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how to scent-scape your home.

Scent-scaping your home is one of the biggest trends in interior design right now. Find out how you can do it in your home.

Using scents you can define space, time and activities in your home. From reflecting the seasons to uplifting your mood, there’s so much you can do with fragrance. The best bit is that you don't have to choose between one or the other. You can layer your fragrances to create the exact ambience you want.

As our Brand Manager (and pioneer of home fragrance at, Anna says,

"Home fragrance became ultra-important over the pandemic, when homes became the only place to work, play, rest and exercise. Scents helped to create a feeling of structure and purpose that took us from day to night.

Layering fragrances in your home engages the senses and puts you in the right headspace for the task at hand."

So how do you scent-scape your home?


plan your day.

The first step to successful scent-scaping is knowing what your day looks like and how scent can enhance your activities. For example, you might want something to revitalise you as you start work, and something calming to wind down once you’ve finished. You could even have a scent to energise you for exercise and another to help you fall asleep at the end of the day.


have a library of scents.

Scent is a powerful tool for changing moods and triggering memories, so you need to know what works for you - and have a selection of different scents at your disposal.

Not sure where to start? For an invigorating start to your day, look for scents with peppermint or citrus notes, like our Botanica scent. For a cosy feel, try scents with a relaxing spice to it, like our Wildling fragrance – perfect for cuddling up on the sofa.


use different methods.

Reed diffusers provide scent for up to four weeks, making them ideal for providing a base for your day. Candles, on the other hand, create a cosy ambience immediately for bath time with their flickering flames. Room sprays are a great way to instantly transform your space, perfect for a quick pick-me-up for workouts, or for soothing and calming the senses.  


match your scent to your home décor style.

If you’ve made the effort to carefully curate your colour scheme, your furniture, your accessories – why not theme your home fragrance too? Gone for tropical motifs? Choose a lush, botanical scent in a green container. Love luxe feminine glam? Use a sweet, fruity scent to uplift your mood. The colour? It has to be pink!